Wicked Sonic Booma (Assorted Colours)
Wicked Sonic Booma (Assorted Colours)
Wicked Sonic Booma, a whistling version of the worlds best returning boomerang, mesmerises passers-by as it whizzes through the air. Suitable for ages 8 and above, Wicked Sonic Booma offers an exciting multi-sensory experience and endless amusement for all the family!
Guaranteed return flight, Whistles loudly in flight, Easy to throw and catch, Full throwing instructions included, Made from Memorang polymer, Can be tuned™ for different flights, Fun for ages 8+, Flight range 15-20 metres, YouTube tutorials teach you how to throw!, Proudly manufactured in the U.K.
Guaranteed return flight.
Whistles loudly in flight.
Easy to throw and catch.
Full throwing instructions included.
Made from Memorang polymer.
Can be tuned™ for different flights.
Fun for ages 8+.
Flight range 15-20 metres.